An order number must be provided, if not available, please enter n/a
Please provide first and last name
Please let us know where you purchased your Redsbaby Order from
Please tick this box to confirm that you have uploaded a screen shot of your order confirmation or receipt.
Customer feedback helps us to improve our products, we would be grateful if you could let us know why you're returning your Redsbaby product/s.
Please select the products that are applicable to your order/request
One Box = One Label If you have 3 boxes to return, please request 3 labels This service is free if you're returning a Pram, Stroller, Feeding or Carrier. If you're returning an accessory or spare part, there is a fee of $12 per label which will be deducted from your refund.
Is there any further information you would like to share with us? (or enter n/a)